domingo, septiembre 30, 2007

Situación de mercados en EE.UU para arándanos

Como ven en este reporte de la semana pasada del USDA, EE.UU. sigue esperando la fruta Argentina mientras se acaba su oferta de la costa oeste (Washington y Oregon). Quedan aún algunas importaciones de Canadá (British Columbia) que terminarían esta semana

BLUEBERRIES OREGON/WASHINGTON COAST---Shipments 4-4-4---Movement expected to decrease sharply as most remaining shippers expect to finish marketing the crop during the week of October 7. Trading very active. Prices higher. Flats 12 4.4-ounce cups with lids Controlled Atmosphere Storage Elliott medium-large mostly 32.00 Includes palletizing and cooling. Quality generally good.

ARGENTINA---Cool weather has slowed crop development. Expect the first light arrivals through Miami International Airport by October 13.

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