sábado, junio 23, 2007

Georgia perdería el 86% de su producción este año

Según esta nota de Billy Bruce del Valdosta Daily Times, el estado de Georgia, cuna de numerosas variedades de arándanos que hoy se plantan en Argentina perdería 86% de su producción debido a las heladas sufridas sumadas a la persistente sequía en la zona.
Esto muestra claramente como gran parte del sistema de producción norteamericano no cuenta con defensas antiheladas que pueden poner en riesgo su producción como este año.

South Georgia growers of peaches and blueberries who were hit hard in the Easter freeze are fighting an upward battle to recover during the worst drought in recent years.

Statewide, freezing temperatures that struck the state during April 6-9 caused estimated losses of $64.9 million to blueberries and $28.1 million in peaches, a May report from the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development states. The freeze destroyed 86 %of the state’s blueberries and 78 percent of its peaches.

Those loss estimates are preliminary and will change once market prices stabilize and harvests end this summer. Overall, the early loss projections are part of a total estimated loss of $257.5 million to agriculture during the freeze, the University of Georgia report says.

On average, high bush growers lost a total of 25 percent of their total crop on average, mainly because much of the high bush acreage is protected from freeze through various means, Andrews said.

But rabbiteye blueberry growers overall lost an average of 80 % to 90 % of their crops, and many rabbiteye growers lost 100 %in the freeze,

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