viernes, agosto 31, 2007

Informe sobre mercado de frutillas y berries de EE.UU.

A continuacion un Informe semanal del National Produce Procurement Center desde EE.UU. para LATINBERRIES sobre los mercados de frescos que mas interesan a nuestros lectores

Frutillas: Availability on strawberries has dropped drastically over the weekend due to cool temperatures in the Northern California growing areas. Strawberry growers also hit their peak a few weeks ago and are now in a natural cycling down on harvest. Their peak was followed by warm weather, which kept the harvest numbers up. The market is firm and will be going up as this week moves on. Quality is good to fair. Strawberries will be generally tender this time of year. Fruit size has declined which has Stem strawberries in short supply. Santa Maria has light volumes with most fruit going to the freezers. Counts are 16 to 22 out of Watsonville/Salinas areas and 20 to 24 out of Santa Maria with good color.

California raspberries are seeing better demand and firming the market. Quality is good. California blackberry supplies are light with fair quality. Guatemala and Oregon also have supplies available. Market is firming.

Michigan, Oregon, Washington and Canada are supplying the market right now. Supplies are lightening up and market is still firm. Quality is fair to good.

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