The harvest for berries in Europe has been a bad one this year with shortages expected, according to nutraceutical firm Berry Pharma, which could impact on an area which has seen clear growth in the past few years.The group, which supplies berry fruit concentrates and extracts, says fruit growing areas in the continent have been affected by spring freeze, floods, severe heat and high humidity, and the harvest period normally four weeks long was cut down to just one or two. In a harvest report issued yesterday, the group raised a series of alarm bells over the availability of various berries and pointed out prices increases, although Berry Pharma added that it was "too early to estimate prices for 2007/8."
viernes, agosto 31, 2007
Unión Europea con escasez de berries por mala cosecha
The harvest for berries in Europe has been a bad one this year with shortages expected, according to nutraceutical firm Berry Pharma, which could impact on an area which has seen clear growth in the past few years.The group, which supplies berry fruit concentrates and extracts, says fruit growing areas in the continent have been affected by spring freeze, floods, severe heat and high humidity, and the harvest period normally four weeks long was cut down to just one or two. In a harvest report issued yesterday, the group raised a series of alarm bells over the availability of various berries and pointed out prices increases, although Berry Pharma added that it was "too early to estimate prices for 2007/8."
Facultad de Alimentos de Concordia firma Convenio con arandaneros
En el mismo sentido y consolidando la política de vinculación con los sectores productivos el Decano y el Secretario Técnico de la facultad, Carlos Vuarant se reunieron con el presidente de la CAPAB, Alejandro Casado de Achával y acordaron la firma de un convenio para la Investigación y Desarrollo con el objetivo de impulsar y mejorar el avance del sector arandanero en la región.
En tanto, Cives, se refirió a la importancia que tiene el crecimiento del sector para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población por ser una importante fuente de trabajo y un dinamizador de las actividades económicas de la región."Queremos posicionarnos en el desarrollo de los arándanos, como una actividad económica sostenible y sustentable para nuestra región porque creemos que junto con la actividad citrícola, permitirán que muchas personas que aun hoy se encuentran desempleadas recuperen su dignidad a través de esta labor y muchas familias tendrán la oportunidad de mejorar su calidad de vida", aclaró.
Fuente Diario Junio
Informe sobre mercado de frutillas y berries de EE.UU.
California raspberries are seeing better demand and firming the market. Quality is good. California blackberry supplies are light with fair quality. Guatemala and Oregon also have supplies available. Market is firming.
Michigan, Oregon, Washington and Canada are supplying the market right now. Supplies are lightening up and market is still firm. Quality is fair to good.
domingo, agosto 19, 2007
Video de la fundadora de USHBC
Según diario El Tribuno Tucumán perdería 20% de la producción
Aquí la nota y esperamos los comentarios de nuestros amigos lectores tucumanos
domingo, agosto 12, 2007
Gran campaña de promoción chilena para el arándano en EE.UU
Estos interesantes sitios fueron destacados como parte de la promoción chilena para el consumo de arándanos en EE.UU. El primero es CHILEANFRESHFRUIT
y el segundo es el de la Asociación de Exportadores de Chile A.G., ASOEX, la de carácter privado que representa a los exportadores de frutas y hortalizas frescas de Chile cuyo lema es "Juntos nuestra fruta vale mas"
Asimismo, cumple la labor de difundir información de carácter técnico y comercial y entregar apoyo a la investigación para el desarrollo del sector. De la misma forma, ASOEX es la entidad a cargo de la administración de los convenios fitosanitarios internacionales.
Los invitamos a visitarlas...Clickear ASOEX
ECA proyecta procesar este año 400 tons. de arándanos para jugos de exportación
Censo de APAMA dice 1650 has en Concordia y aledaños
El Grupo Narváez entra en la cadena del arándano
Pepe Arándano de Agosto
Aprovechó Sunbelle la noche anterior para inaugurar su nueva Planta de empaque. Video, bendición y recorrida anticiparon una comida excepcional. "Pepe, esperemos que el servicio de comercialización para las 850 tons. que piensan procesar sea tan bueno como esta comida", decía un productor. Los demás se centraban en el espiritual mensaje del párroco y el comentario femenino era sobre lo joven y apuesto que era el chileno a cargo de Sunbelle.
Todo eran abrazos de reencuentros entre productores, proveedores y el mundo de la fruta azul. Como siempre la musical barra de TodoPlast dio la nota colorida. Pepe quedó sorprendido por toda la información sobre los productos y "servicios" que daba la empresa que le brindó Luis Guevara.
De las comercializadoras las que estuvieron con stand fueron Sunbelle, Blueberries, Expofresh y United Farms. Poca presencia de las grandes Tecnovital y Northbay (José Luis hizo un touch and go) y muy activos jugadores nuevos como los americanos y neocelandeses de Gourmet Trading ahora con el rubio Luciano Fizsman como referente local.
Como consecuencia de un servicio de lunch regular en el Hotel, El Bagual fue otra vez el punto obligado de los de Concordia. En una gran mesa se pudo ver a Pazos de Sunbelle con un Guillermo Bort de Blueline que no perdonó a ninguna de las milanesas que Miguel le traía mientras le comentaba a Pepe arándano del nuevo hotel 4 o 5 estrellas que se abriría al lado del Bagual.
Pepe escuchaba hablar de plantas para IQF, del negocio del jugo de arándano y de como habrá hecho la asociación chilena con solo US$ 100 000 para hacer toda la publicidad en EE.UU. que describió el expositor chileno en la presentación. Para imitar.
Promocionan en EE.UU el consumo de arándano argentino y chileno
Arándanos chilenos se mantendrían creciendo a un 30-35% anual los próximos años
Los 7 consejos de Ulises Sábato para los años venideros
En Uruguay habría 650 has. plantadas de arándanos
Gran convocatoria en la VIII reunión de CAPAB esta vez en Concordia
Se inauguró la nueva planta de Sunbelle en Concordia
domingo, agosto 05, 2007
Complican tambien heladas en Polonia a la UE
The outlook for this year is particularly dire because all major fruits are affected. Poland, the largest supplier of processed strawberries in the EU, is expecting this year’s strawberry output to be 30-40% down on 2006 and 65% down on 2005. With limited stocks, particularly of good quality produce, Polish frozen strawberry prices have risen by 40-75% from last year (see right) .Europe’s raspberry output has also been hit. Polish output is estimated to be 20% below last year’s, while frost damage in Hungary and tight supplies from Serbia have contributed to squeezing the volume of raspberries available to processors.
Poland is the most common factor in this year’s litany of European fruit shortages. Estimates suggest the country’s production of plums could reach just two-thirds of 2006’s crop, sour cherry output could be slashed by 20-50% (Hungary’s harvest has also been badly hit), while apples could plunge 50% from last year, pushing up prices by 40-75%.
Blueberries are likely to be much in demand, given that the new season will open with empty inventories and most suppliers of semiprocessed apricots report price increases of around 40%, states the OEITFL.
“Currently the market belongs to people making raspberry concentrate and they create really firm prices - they reached PLN5.0/kg delivered factories, ” said a Polish source. “Most coldstores have not bought at this level because prices are too high - they haven’t accepted prices we’ve offered yet which are €1.65-1.70/kg ex Poland for crumble and whole and broken, based on current raw material prices. There are some single deals being made but not major purchases.”
Info al instante de los mercados de berries en EEUU
Moderate demand with better supplies is causing a slightly weaker market.
Look for this trend to continue over the next week or so. Quality is good. California blackberry supplies are also improving with better quality coming around. Market is steady.
Wet weather has been hurting production in most blueberry growing areas over the last week (Washington, BC, Michigan and Oregon) New Jersey is not much of factor anymore due to their season is almost over. Market is very active. Most shippers are prorating orders. Quality is fair to good.
Heladas también en Australia
Winter has stamped its authority on the North Coast of NSW and the region's farmers are counting the cost of some of the coldest overnight temperatures they can remember.
"I woke up to a very cold environment. I went outside and down into the gully near our house and it was minus six-and-a-half." Ridley Bell farms blueberries at Lindendale, near Lismore and is estimating he's lost as much as 30 per cent of his early fruiting varieties in just one night. "We've had minus five before. We've never had minus six-and-a-half in my time here. Minus three we start to get significant damage to our fruit."
On Ridley Bell's farm there was a huge temperature range. At his property's highest point it was zero degrees. But in the gullies the gauge dropped to that new record for the Bell family. Mr Bell says any fruit on the tree's couldn't survive.
"It's like taking blueberries out of a freezer at home. They become like blueberry jam, soft and pulpy. Younger fruit on the bush that has freeze damage get corky. So it will dis-colour and just be corky on the inside."
Another 25 kilometres to the east, a reading of minus nine degrees was recorded by the manager of an orchard near Bangalow. Rick Dalli from Heavenly Valley Farms, says he was greeted by a white and frost bitten landscape when he arrived at work. "Everything was all frozen, frozen trees, the net was frozen over the top."
Rick Dalli is predicting losses as high as 40 per cent and says "all the flowers and all the fruit that were out now are pretty much all gone in those low lying paddocks." The industry uses sprinkler systems overnight to try and keep the orchard temperature at a level that won't affect the fruit. Mr Dalli says his neighbour used the technique, but he says it simply didn't work in the extreme conditions.
"He had stalactites hanging off the trees where water had landed. In theory we're putting on water that's five, six degrees from the local creek, so it should be warmer than the actual air temperature is. But it was just too cold."
Mr Dalli says it's now a waiting game to see how the trees recover. "There's a lot of black fruit there already." But he says there's some hope that later flowering varieties might survive.
"The buds are still tight and small and hopefully there may not be as much damage. But it's still cold now, how much longer is it going to stay cold like this.
Blueberry producer Ridley Bell is relying on breeding trials and new varieties to manage the impact of frost. He says the industry can use large fans to circulate air in frost prone areas. But he says there's little support from near-by residential neighbours to noisy fans operating throughout the night.
The region's sugar industry is also assessing the damage of Thursday morning's frost. Rick Beattie, from the NSW Sugar Milling Co-operative was heartened by the crop's resilience after an earlier frost on Monday morning. But he says inspectors are out in the paddock going through the assessment process again.
Heladas en Michigan producen perdidas de hasta 30% en algunos cultivos
Max Whitcomb of Kouts picks Blueberries at Blue Sky Blueberry Farm in Wanatah on Thursday. (Michael McArdle/Post-Tribune)
Some berry farms, within 10 to 15 miles of Lake Michigan, were protected from April's freeze. "The lake has a buffering effect," Matzat said.
But others, like Eenigenburg's Blueberries in DeMotte, located in the Kankakee Valley, sustained a damaging freeze because temperatures dipped lower in the valley.
"I lost 30 percent and I was very fortunate," said owner Barb Eenigenburg, who opened for the season last week. It's only the second time in 40 years that her farm endured a freeze.
Blue Sky Berry Farm in Wanatah, which is nearer to Lake Michigan's buffer zone, saw little damage, said co-owner Jennifer VanMeter.