Según Doug Krahmer, Presidente de la Oregon Blueberry Commission, la producción de arándanos en Oregon crecería pero muy moderadamente. Esta fue la afirmación hecha en el Seminario Anual de la Oregon Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers el pasado 29 de Enero.
A pesar de los aumentos en precios (de un 85% desde 2004 a 2006 !!) la inversión requerida para comenzar con nuevas has. sería una fuerte barrera de entrada para nuevos productores. Las plantas cuestan US$3 por planta en este estado.
Es interesante ver en esta nota cuales son los costos de inversión para los farmers de EE.UU. o para cualquier inversor en el país del norte que quiera comenzar con el negocio de producir arándanos. A continuación la nota
Blueberry acreage in the state isn't expected to soar as a result, said "I don't think it's going to grow too much faster than it is now because of the cost," Krahmer said at the Blueberry acreage probably will increase by about 700 acres annually for the next two years, Krahmer said. In 2006, blueberries were harvested from 4,400 acres in Oregon, up from 3,500 in 2004, according to the USDA's.
About 1,450 to 1,750 blueberry bushes at a cost of $3 each are typically planted per acre. An additional $4,000 an acre is spent on planting and maintenance, plus $2,500 to install a permanent irrigation system. "A lot of it has to do with infrastructure," Krahmer told the Capital Press. "You're looking at $10,000 an acre minimum."
About 1,450 to 1,750 blueberry bushes at a cost of $3 each are typically planted per acre. An additional $4,000 an acre is spent on planting and maintenance, plus $2,500 to install a permanent irrigation system. "A lot of it has to do with infrastructure," Krahmer told the Capital Press. "You're looking at $10,000 an acre minimum."
Plant availability also will have a moderating effect on the growth of blueberry acreage in Oregon because the nursery industry traditionally has anticipated an annual increase of only 300 to 400 acres, he said. "Nurseries have had a challenge in keeping up with demand for plantings." Nonetheless, Krahmer predicted the level of new plantings will stay strong as long as blueberries continue to command healthy prices. The upward price surge may slow down, but growers can expect the market for blueberries to grow steadily, he said. "I think there's still an unsatisfied demand out there," he said.
As the co-owner of Blue Horizon Farms, Krahmer grows blueberries and other crops throughout the Willamette Valley. Well-drained soils and access to quality irrigation water are necessary for a successful operation, he said. "Just because a field grows grass doesn't mean it will grow blueberries," he said, noting that stagnant water will cause disease to run rampant, while water-logged soil will suffocate roots in the wintertime.
Elevation and microclimates are also important considerations. For example, foothills can expose plants to spring frosts and cause problems during bloom, which is why farmers must carefully research the types of blueberries they plan to grow. "If you have that much money invested, you don't want to see that (yield) variability due to Mother Nature," Krahmer said. "If you think you're in one of those frost pockets, you'd better plant varieties that have a resistance to that problem."
Finally, farmers need to remember blueberries are a long-term crop they'll probably be committed to for the next 40 to 50 years; although it doesn't look like the fruit's popularity will wane anytime soon, blueberries will be prone to market cycles just like any other crop, he said.
"You've got to be convinced you're going to stick to it through the good times and the bad," said Krahmer. "People need to be careful not to get into it just for the money."
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