En esta interesante nota de The Packer, el dueño de Blueberries sa Ulises Sábato, la CEO de Sunbelle a nivel global y distintos importadores de EEUU analizan el impacto que tendrá en la oferta argentina las perdidas sufridas por las heladas de fin de julio en el arándano de Tucumán.
Algunos como Bruce Turner, Head of operations with Giumarra VBM International Berry LLC afirman que la caída en Tucumán llegaría al 50% de la producción.“They’ve had cold and ice, and it’s been 4 to 7 degrees below zero centigrade, but some areas of Tucuman actually have some microclimates, and we have some acreage that has absolutely no damage and some that’s maybe 50% of the production that was lost,” he said. “We’re lucky. We’ve got a fair amount of acreage in one of those zones. Overall, what we’re hearing Tucuman will be down 50%.”
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