Impresionantes los aumentos anuales de consumo de árandanos en Gran Bretaña según reporta un estudio de la prestigiosa consultora Nielsen en el diario inglés Telegraph.
Con un crecimiento anual mayor al 60% ha superado a alimentos como el salmón y el broccoli que los ingleses encuadran en la categoría Superfoods por los beneficios a la salud que acarrean y los significativos aumentos en consumo per capita. Aquí parte de la nota
Sales of "superfoods" are soaring due to their potential health benefits, research out today shows. Broccoli, spinach and salmon are among the products enjoying a popularity boom, according to market analyst Nielsen, but blueberries have enjoyed the biggest sales surge of all the superfoods, up 132 % in the past two years. In the year to last month, Britons spent around £95 million on the berries.
The "dramatic" upturn in superfood sales is partly due to the backing of major retailers and greater awareness of their health benefits, according to Jonathan Banks, the business insight director at Nielsen.
"Blueberries contain antioxidants which help with circulation, keeping the heart healthy and maintaining youthful-looking skin. These are all important to today's health and youth-conscious consumer," he said.
"Blueberries contain antioxidants which help with circulation, keeping the heart healthy and maintaining youthful-looking skin. These are all important to today's health and youth-conscious consumer," he said.
Fuente Telegraph
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